Hydrate Cookbook
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Getting Started With Hydrate

1. Set up your environment.

(a) You will need to download and install Java 5 development kit to use with Hydrate.
Get this from http://java.sun.com/j2se/index.jsp.  Follow the instructions to install for your environment and ensure that you can access both java (the JVM) and javac (the compiler) from the command line.  To confirm this, type:

java -version
javac -version

Check that you are picking up the correct version of both tools.
(b) To build the application (if you want to build from source) you will need a copy of apache ant (we're using version 1.6.5), which can be downloaded from apache's website at http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi

(c) To run the tests, you'll need to download a copy of MySQL.  We are testing against MySQL 5.0 so as we can include tests for stored procedures.  Download this from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.  You only need this if you want to view the testing database and run the full test suite.

2. Get the latest version of Hydrate 

Go to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=146051 to download Hydrate software.  All packaged releases contain the same files and there are scripts for linux and windows based systems.  Pick the format that most suits the tools you have on your system.

3. Run the user interface.  To start the Hydrate UI, run the following:

For linux where <hydrate home> is the root directory of the files you unzipped:

cd <hydrate home>
./bin/hydrateUI ./HydrateSample/Sample/HelloWorld.hyd

For windows:

cd <hydrate home>
bin\hydrateUI HydrateSample\Sample\HelloWorld.hyd

You should see a display that appears something like the following:

Image of Hydrate UI 

This is a picture of the data model as described by your UML definition file that we want to lay over the top of the relational database that has been given to us.  You choose this object model based on your operational requirements - it does not have to be modelled exactly according to your relational data.  The features of Hydrate permit you to map any underlying relational model that has the right data in it to this object model. 

The following XML definition file has been written to describe the above UML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Family name="HelloWorld" namespace="org.hydrateframework.sample.model">
<Class name="Country" comment="A national identity">
<Attribute name="code" type="String" size="2"
comment="Short ISO code for country"/>
<Attribute name="telCode" type="PositiveInteger" mandatory="false"
comment="International dialling code for country"/>
<Attribute name="name" type="String" size="80"
comment="Full official name of the country"/>
<Key name="CountryKey" primary="true">
<Member name="code"/>
<Key name="CountryTelKey">
<Member name="telCode"/>
<GUI x="283" y="91"/>
<Class name="Greeting" comment="A typical greeting in the given country">
<Attribute name="text" type="String" size="80"
comment="Greeting in the given language of the country"/>
<Attribute name="language" type="String" size="30"
comment="Language or dialect of the greeting"/>
<Key name="GreetingKey" primary="true">
<Member name="country"/>
<Member name="language"/>
<GUI x="102" y="77"/>
<Relationship name="CountryGreeting">
<Reference name="greetings" toObject="Greeting"
multiplicity="0..*" navigable="true"/>
<Reference name="country" toObject="Country"
<XMLSchema name="Greetings">
<Element asMember="countries" collection="true"
class="Country" failIfNotPopulated="+">
<Element asMember="greetings" failIfNotPopulated="text"/>

The Hydrate UI is a tool that allows you to visualize your data model, examine the relationships between the objects, customize the way you want the objects layed out and, most importantly, write and test queries that you can use to access the data.  You have just started the UI with the 'HelloWorld' model.  This is the model that is used in the basic 'HelloWorld' application, and we'll be using the same model in this short tutorial.

Look at the model as shown to you.  You'll see that it takes the form of a UML class diagram, with two classes having a one-to-many relationship between them.  Each object has a name and a list of typed attributes: you can see more detail about the object by double clicking it so see the object details page.  Each relationship links two objects and again can be viewed in more detail by double clicking the link.  The only editing currently permitted by the UI enables you to position the classes relative to one another and save the results.  Object definitions are edited through the XML definition file, although you will be able to do this in the UI in future releases.  You can see the definition file that defines this model by opening <hydrate home>/HydrateSample/Sample/HelloWorld.xml in a text editor.

Note that this model has been kept simple for clarity.  Hydrate permits much more complex object models including different types of relationship (one-to-one and many-to-many, optionally navigable in either direction), as well as single inhertitance hierarchies.

The HelloWorld Continued application demonstrates how, with Hydrate you can take an arbitrary data model given to you in a relational database, pull that model into an object model chosen by you in a number of different ways (each with their own performance characteristics), write the resultant model to an XML document whose structure is chosen by you.  Here's a schematic of what it does:

Dataflow schematic

4. Check the data sources and queries

In addition to providing a visualization of the model, the tool also acts as a query builder that lets you write SQL queries against any data source and map the resulting record set to your object model.  This tool can also act as a point to gather together all of the queries that you are using in your application and perform some basic testing to ensure that all continue to function correctly.

Before writing queries you have to set up the data sources that your application will use.  Click on the 'Data Sources' tab to see the list that has been set up for the sample application.  There is a single data source declared that connects to an instance of 'tiny SQL' - another open source project with source available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinysql/.  This is a convenient database to use for testing since it can be distributed in a single jar file, and the database tables can each be distributed in a single file.  Tiny SQL is also a good demonstration of the fact that hydrate works as well for a minimal JDBC driver as for more fully featured ones.  The database that this data source connects to is a small database containing two tables: 'GREETINGS' and 'COUNTRIES', that will be used by the HelloWorld sample application.

data source editor

Now select the 'Queries' tab on the UI.  Here you see the set of queries that will be used in the sample application.  Each row represents a named query that has been configured to load objects in your model from the database.  Select a row and click 'Edit' or double click the row to open the query builder dialog box.  The query builder is a modeless dialog so you can open up an editor for each query in the list and for one new query.  You can then go back to the main window to edit the datasources or view the object model (which is especially useful).  Each query includes the SQL to be run, an optional WHERE clause and information about how the results will be mapped into an object or objects in the model.  Double click on the 'AllCountriesAndGreetings' query to see how a simple query is created.

 Query Builder

The boxes with white backgrounds and the combo boxes are where you can enter data.  Here's an explanation of what appears in this edit interface:

  1. Name: the name of the query - use this edit box to choose a unique name by which this query will be identified.  This name is also used, with an extension of ".xml" to make the file name for the query definition file.
  2. Description - a text description for the query.  Use this box to enter information about what the query does.  You should make good use of this feature as this will assist greatly in your ability to reuse existing queries.
  3. Datasource Name - this restricted combo-box lists the set of data sources that you have set up on the previous tab.  You must select one of these to indicate where the query should go to retrieve data.
  4. No Prepare - select this checkbox if you don't want your queries to use prepared statements (which is the default).  You only need to check this box if you are using a simple JDBC driver that either does not fully support prepared statements (as is the case with TinySQL), or for which the implementation results in performance degredation.
  5. Enter SQL Expression - this box is used to enter details of your query.  You can type any query into this box and with the exception of the WHEREn clauses described below, this is exactly what will be sent to your JDBC driver.
  6. Where Expression - type expressions that may form part of the WHERE clause into this section.  This is described in more detail below.
  7. Parameters - any parameters that you have outlined in the Where Expression will appear in this list.  It updates automatically whenever an epression is added or removed.  The first two columns list the name of the parameter and its type respectively.  You can enter a value in the last column for each of the parameters or leave them blank for 'not set'.
  8. Rowcount limit - use this box to type a number of rows to which the displayed result set will be limited.
  9. View Results - click this button after making a change to the query in the 'Query' box, or to one or more of the Where Expressions or Parameters.  The new query will be constructed, executed with the new parameters, and the results displayed in the results window
  10. Executed SQL and Other Messages - This contains the constructed query (as a prepared statement) that was run against the database including the constructed where clause.  If an error occurs it contains the error.  You cannot edit the information in this box.
  11. Results From the Query - The results grid shows the output of the query.  When you first open the dialog box, or when you click the 'View Results' button, this results grid is filled with the first 'n' rows returned from the query.  This happens in a background thread, so for complex queries, it amy not appear immediately.
  12. Mappings from Columns To Object Attributes - This is the most important element of the query map dialog.  Each of the rows contains an object map, that is maps some of the resulting columns in the query to a single object in your model and declares how that should link to other objects.  There is no limit to the number of object maps that can be applied to the results of a single query.  The process of setting up the object maps is described below.

5. Look more closely at the query builder

The job of the query builder is simply to take the 'flat' set of query results and map those results into the objects in your model.

The first section of the dialog allows you to enter the basic features of the query.  The name, a description, the name of the datasource that the query will be going to (which must be a datasource configured in the datasource tab).  At the end of this section, the 'no prepare' tab is used to veto the default use of prepared statements (for drivers that do not support them).

The query's select statement follows; for the AllCountriesAndGreetings query we are selecting everything from the Greetings table.  The query takes the form:


Note that the token 'WHERE1' is a placeholder for the WHERE clause of the SQL statement.  The actual WHERE clause is constructed dynamically from the list of expressions that appears below.  This is a 'reverse polish' boolean expression.  See here for a broad description of how reverse polish notation works.

Each line in this expression list is either a boolean expression or one of the boolean operator words 'AND', 'OR' or 'NOT'.  The boolean expressions are permitted to contain named parameters of the form


meaning a parameter called 'name' of type 'Type'.

At runtime, you can decide which of these parameters you supply and which you leave unspecified.  By providing different combinations of the available parameters you have unprecendented control over the query that is run against the database.  Consider

  • If you leave all parameters unset, the AllCountriesAndGreetings query will select all countries and greetings that are present in the database.
  • If you set the 'country' parameter, the query will select only those greetings with the country details, where the country short code is as specified by the parameter.
  • If you set the 'telCode' parameter, the query will select only those greetings with the country details, where the country telephone code is as specified by the parameter.
  • If you set both the 'country' and the 'telCode' parameter, the query will select greetings where the country is either the code given by the country parameter  or the number given by the telCode parameter.
The last example, is perhaps not so useful, but does illustrate the flexibility of this approach.

Try entering a few different values for the 'country' parameter to see the effect on the query and its results.  Try deleting the parameter value (not the expression).  Note that the where clause disappears entirely if no parameters are set.

The query builder shows the first few results from the query in the query grid at the bottom of the screen.  In the grid below, the developer chooses how to map these results into the objects that have been described in the model.  The process of mapping is very simple:

  • Choose an object to map
  • Choose a key to be used to detect/resolve duplicates
  • Choose the fields to be mapped (which can be as many as the developer wishes, but must at least include the fields that are part of the chosen key)
  • Repeat for all other objects to be mapped
  • Provide linkage information between objects in the "Link To" column.

With reference to the query grid shown below, you can see that in the case of the AllGreetings query, we are mapping two objects: Greeting and Country.  The greeting object has no key defined, which means that every row of the query will always create a new Greeting object.  The columns mapped for Greeting are: 'LANGUAGE' -> 'language' and 'GREETING' -> 'text'.  We have chosen not to map the generated '_id' column - because there is nothing in this database for it to map to.  Hydrate has no problems about creating your object with any attributes missing, even attributes of the primary key.  The country object has a key defined: CountryKey, which happens to be the primary key of the object - but does not have to be.  Since we have a key, we must at least map the field or fields that make up that key, in this case 'COUNTRY' -> 'code'.  By including a key in the country mapping Hydrate will automatically eliminate duplicate country objects so that only one country object representing 'GB' will be created even though there are two records that have this country.  Only the key attribute of country is populated because that is all that is available from this query.
 Query Grid
Finally, the query builder requires you to declare the linkage between the objects that you are mapping.  The builder knows a lot about which linkages are possible, but will generally need a bit of help in determining which object should link to which.  You specify the linkage in one of the 'LinkTo' columns to the right of the query results and you are helped in your selection by a drop-down list that shows all possible values.  In this case there is only one possibility, but you still have to select it.
There are three more queries that have been defined and are used as part of the HelloWorld Continued sample application.

6. More tools on the UI

The UI provides access to two other useful functions: first you can start the code generation process.  Select Schema/Generate classes and enter the root direction for the generated classes.  Select an SQL dialect of 'TinySQL' and the check box for compilation and click Ok.  The UI now kicks off the code generation process and runs the java compiler to compile the generated sources.  You get a report showing the files that were generated.
Next, the UI provides a tool for testing all of your queries.  Select Test Queries from the File menu and the Hydrate UI will go through each of the queries that you have declared ensuring that they run without error, and that the columns that you have declared to be mapped are available from the result set.  By placing all your application's queries under Hydrate's control, you have a quick way of smoke-testing your application after any database change.  The collection of queries could easily form the basis of a more extensive regression testing suite as well.
Both of these tools: code generation and query testing are also available from the command-line and as ant tasks.

7. The Hello World Continued application - retrieving data

You will now go on to use the model you have generated to hydrate data from a database into an object model in a number of different ways.

The HelloWorld Continued application is an extension of the Hydrate HelloWorld application.  This latter application demonstrates how Hydrate can be used to select an appropriate 'hello world'-style greeting, based on locale, from a selection that have been saved in a relational database.  The 'continued' application goes on to demonstrate how Hydrate permits you to choose many different ways of reading the same data, and how it provides tools for writing that data back to a default database schema and/or to XML.

Open the Hello World Continued application in your favourite editor/viewer and take a look at the 'main' method.  This method establishes the directory of the database to be used for the test, sets up the environment (setUp), runs some tests that compare the performance of four different ways of loading the same information into memory (runLoadTests), demonstrates how a script to build a default database is generated (createDefDatabase), and shows how information can be written to the default database and read from and written to XML.

Let's look at the load tests first.  The HelloWorld application started by reading all the greetings and countries from the database, then selected the country that was the same as the default locale and printed out the greetings associated with it.  Now the printing of greetings and their retrieval from the database are two operations that have different conflicting constraints.  While for retrieval of data from the database we are generally most interested in grabbing the right data as quickly as possible and handling the raw data types as they are returned, in the object space we are trying to work with clear and concise domain model that is independent from how the data is retrieved.

One important job of a good object-oriented mapping layer is to decouple these two conficting sets of requirements so that one has the flexibility to change without affecting the other.  Suppose we need to change the retrieval from the database so that a different database is used that perhaps doesn't support joins or only has partial data.  We don't want to have to change the 'business logic' when we make this change, just the way that the data we have is mapped into the objects that we are working with.  Obviously the business logic in this example is not sufficiently complex for this to really be a problem, but consider if instead of printing out friendly greetings, our application was compiling optimized order schedules for multiple wholesalers, or calculating the price of thousands of different financial instruments in real time.

The load tests basically do the same thing four times: they load all (well almost all) the greeting and country data into memory so that the correct greeting can be chosen.  But what is the best way to do this?  Should we load all the greetings, then, for each unique country load in information about the country?  Should we load in all the countries and then all the greetings (making sure that they link up properly)?  But this will load countries that have no associated greetings, so, should we only load those countries that have greetings, then all the greetings?  Finally, we could permit the database to join information and load all greetings and countries together.

Here is an example of the code for the three scenarios

1. All greetings in the database with links to countries, then each country one at a time.

    // load in all greetings and their references to countries 

    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllGreetings.xml");
    qr.build(qry, null);

    // now go through each of the countries created and fill
// it out from the database.

    for(Iterator iter = ctx.iterateObjects(Country.class,
CountryKey.class); iter.hasNext(); ) {

        Country country = (Country)iter.next();
       qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllCountries.xml");
        qry.setString("code", country.getCode());
        qr.build(qry, null);

2. All countries, then all greetings and their links to countries

    // load in all countries (whether used or not) 
    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllCountries.xml");
    qr.build(qry, null);
// now load all greetings and their references to countries
    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllGreetings.xml");
    qr.build(qry, null);

3. All countries that have at least one greeting, then all greetings and their links to countries

    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "UsedCountries.xml"); 
    qr.build(qry, null);
    // load in all greetings and their references to countries
   qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllGreetings.xml");
   qr.build(qry, null);

4. All greetings and all countries together.

    // load in all greetings and their references to countries with full country details 
    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllCountriesAndGreetings.xml");
    qr.build(qry, null);

These four scenarios essentially do the same thing, and illustrate how different population strategies can result in slightly different sets of objects being read into memory in different orders.  Hydrate permits you to load countries first, then greetings or greetings first and then countries.  You can read in all or part of any object, so there is no problem with some objects having the key only populated, others missing the telephone code, etc, (until you actually try to use the data of course).
Each of the four scenarios can be expected to exhibit different performance charactersitics.  In order to get a reasonable picture of performance, all query strategies are executed 501 times in the HelloWorld Continued application.  The first run is ignored for the performance calculation, and the remaining 500 are averaged out to give a figure in milliseconds.  At the end of the test run the loaded objects are printed out as an XML document (the code to write this was generated in the code generation step).
So which is quickest?  Perhaps unsuprisingly the single query that returns both Countries and Greetings runs fastest, though not much slower than the one that loads all Countries and all Greetings.  The slowest by far is the first, that retrieved all Greetings, then the countries one at a time.  This is interesting, because the majority of O/R solutions can only do this kind of mapping.
Of course, you are probably asking why did we load all countries and greetings into memory when all we needed were the country and greetings for the current locale.  A good question indeed and it is a very simple thing to do, to add a filter to the SQL so that only those rows are returned.  Try using the following query to populate data:

    qry = new QueryMap(ctx, "AllCountriesAndGreetings.xml"); 
    qry.setString("country", Locale.getDefault().getCountry());
    qr.build(qry, null);

Having said that, you may be surprised by the fact that it is not massively quicker than the unfiltered version.  Sometimes, it may be better to pull in more information than you strictly need because it prevents business logic seepage - in which little bits of business logic (in this case "I am only interested in greetings from the country in the default locale") leach out into your database access code.

The most important point is that we have now tried out five different ways of populating the same object model, making use of whatever tricks our SQL engine could muster but the business logic, that makes use of the data returned from the database has not changed at all.  In effect we have decoupled data sourcing and business logic.

8. The Hello World Continued Application - XML 

As part of the data retrieval part of the application, we also demonstrate the ability to write XML.  The next part of the sample application will go on to read this XML back into objects and go on to save this model into the default database.  This section covers the writing and reading of XML.  This is a feature offered by many frameworks, but Hydrate's implementation is well integrated with the object model definition and is highly performant using SAX exclusively.  The definition file for the model contains the following XML snippit that defines an XML Schema. 

    <XMLSchema name="Greetings">
<Element asMember="countries" collection="true"
class="Country" failIfNotPopulated="+">
<Element asMember="greetings" failIfNotPopulated="text"/>

This effectively declares a route through the object model that an XML hierarchy should take.  In the case of the simple database, with just two objects, there are only two possible routes: we could either start at Country and then show a list of Greetings, or start a Greeting and show the detail of the country as a sub-element.  Both representations are equally valid, and equally useful depending on the situation.  Here we have chosen to start at Country.  In a more complex model, any number of possible hierarchies through the model might be possible.  

This definition generates an XSD schema that defines the XML model and a 'ParserWriter' class that knows how to write and read objects that conform to this schema.  Here is the generated XSD schema definition file for this model:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="uri:org.hydrateframework.sample.model">
<xs:element name="Greetings">
<xs:element name="Countries" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="telCode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"
nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Greetings" nillable="true"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="text" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="country_code" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="language" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="code" type="xs:string"/>

And here is an example of an XML document that was produced by the generated ParserWriter class as part of the data retrieval example.  If you run the application you will see that it prints out documents like this to prove that the data retrieval is reading the correct objects from the database.  This XML document has been constructed in such a way that the objects that created it can be easily reconstituted back into memory by rereading the document using the same ParserWriter generated class.

<Greetings xmlns="uri:org.hydrateframework.sample.model" 
<Countries code="GB">
<name>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</name>
<Greetings country_code="GB" language="Simple English">
<text>Hello World</text>
<Greetings country_code="GB" language="Pretentious English">
<text>Greetings Planet Earth</text>
<Countries code="US">
<name>United States of America</name>
<Greetings country_code="US" language="American English">
<text>Hello World</text>
<Greetings country_code="US" language="Cowboy English">
<text>Howdy Y'all</text>
<Countries code="FR">
<Greetings country_code="FR" language="French">
<text>Bonjour Le Monde</text>
<Countries code="AU">
<Greetings country_code="AU" language="Informal Aussie">
<text>G'day Fellas</text>
<Countries code="ES">
<Greetings country_code="ES" language="Spanish">
<text>Hola El Mundo</text>

At the end of the runLoadTests method in the HelloWorldContinued application it actually writes out a file which should match the aboce into 'tinySQLDefDatabase/Data.xml' that contains the last copy of the data read from the database.  This forms a copy of the objects in memory that can be used to reconsistute exactly the same object model back into memory without going to the original relational data source.  As the first part of the save-to-database demonstration decribed below, it uses this XML data file to create the object model which will be saved down to the default database. 

The template code needed to create a SAX handler which will write to a file is wrapped in the makeSAXHandler method.  This is standard XML SAX code - see http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/apidocs/org/apache/xml/serializer/Serializer.html for details.  Once created, the generated GreetinsXML class writes out the XML document.

    ContentHandler fileSAXOut = makeSAXHandler(fileOut);  
    xml = new GreetingsXML(ctx, fileSAXOut, "");
xml.writeXML(ctx.iterateObjects(Country.class, CountryKey.class));

When it comes to reading the file back into memory, the code creates a SAXParser - again part of the JAXP infrastructure (see http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/faq-sax.html).  This parses the document we wrote earlier, and creates objects in a new ObjectContext:

    final SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); 
    SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
    XMLReader rdr = sp.getXMLReader();

    // Create the reader, connect it to the parser and parse
    GreetingsXML xml = new GreetingsXML(ctx, null, "");
    rdr.parse(new InputSource(new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("tinySQLDefDatabase" + File.separator + "Data.xml"))));

9. The Hello World Continued Application - The default database.

As part of the code generation step, you will have been given a script, in data definition language (DDL) that, when run on your chosen database, will create the tables you need to store the model described in you definition file.  Also generated are is a query for each object type in your model to read and write that object from the default data model.  Actually, when reading, you'll probably want to write your own queries and then map them to the model in order to make the most of your database's performance, but for writing, it is generally most convenient to use the queries that were written for you.  Let's have a look at the generated database read/write code.




 In the createDefDatabase method of the HelloWorldContinued application, the code opens this generated DDL file (from the classpath), and reads it in a line at a time.  Each time the ';' terminator is detected, the command is printed to stdout and sent to the database driver.  You can see that the script drops, then recreates two tables: COUNTRY and GREETING.  This DDL is very simple because the TinySQL database is a very simple database.  You do not have any indexes, primary or foreign keys, autonumbered columns, or even VARCHAR fields in this implementation because they are not supported by TinySQL.  If you choose another SQL dialect (for example DB2) to create your DDL, these clauses will be included.

The databases are initially empty and the HelloWorld Continued application goes on to populate them with data.  In the saveToDefDatabase method, the code reads in the object model from XML (more about this later) and then writes it to the default database we have just created.  In effect, all the method needs to do to save the model down to the default database is to call:


This iterates through all objects that have changed and updates or inserts them (as appropriate) into a database using the default queries - in this case those that were automatically generated for us.  The method finishes up by printing out the contents of the tables we have just written, producing an output something like:

CODE NAME                                                      TELCODE
==== ========================================================= ==========
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 44
AU Australia 61
FR France 33
ES Spain 34
US United States of America 1

======== ====================================================== ========================
GB Hello World Simple English
US Hello World American English
ES Hola El Mundo Spanish
GB Greetings Planet Earth Pretentious English
FR Bonjour Le Monde French
US Howdy Y'all Cowboy English
AU G'day Fellas Informal Aussie

 10. Summary 

To run the sample application type the following for linux:

cd <hydrate home>

For windows:

cd <hydrate home>
bin\hydrateUI HydrateSample\Sample\HelloWorld.hyd

Here ends our brief tour of the features of Hydrate.  You should have seen how Hydrate permits you to This was necessarily a simple example with a small database and a basic JDBC driver, but Hydrate comes into its own with much larger, more complex object models, bigger databases and industrial strength, JDBC drivers.

Last updated: 4-Jun-2006