Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Hydrate
Q. What is
Hydrate is a relational/object/XML mapping tool. It is different
from other open source and commercial tools that do object relational
mapping or object XML mapping because its focus is in mapping existing relational and XML data
into an object model of your choice
as opposed to taking an obejct model and persisting it, or taking an
XML schema and creating objects from it.
Q. Is
Hydrate documentation available? Is Hydrate easy to Use?
documentation is available on the Hydrate website including a
tutorial/feature walkthrough as well as reference material. The
classes for hydrate have full javadoc information available, also
Q. Is
Hydrate Mature?
represents a rewrite of a commercially developed framework that has
been operating in commercial production systems for 5 years. The
original code was written under Java 1.1, but the current codebase is
a 'from the ground up' rewrite that includes all of the features
of the original, plus much more gleaned from experiences of running
that project, as well as a far more comprehensive JUnit testing
Q. How
does Hydrate compare with O/R frameworks like EJB3 and Hibernate?
mapping frameworks such as these focus on taking an object model that
you have and saving it to a relational database. The starting point
is the object model and the problem is 'how do I persist this
object model into a relational model'. Hydrate's focus is the
other way around: 'how to I take this relational data or XML data
that I have been given and work with it through an object model of my
choice'. That is not to say that you can't do this with other
frameworks: Hibernate provides a rich toolset for mapping native SQL
queries as well as reading and writing XML, however, this is not its
focus, and as such you will get better performance and flexibility
from Hydrate.
Q. Can I
use Hydrate in an Application Server environment/outside an
Application Server environment, with my favourite connection pooling
and transaction management software, etc.?
responsible for giving the database connections to Hydrate for it to
use. You can control the transactions externally on these database
connections, or you can ask Hydrate to start and end a transaction as
it performs a unit of work. Hydrate will always ensure that updates
of a single object into multiple tables (as occurs with table per
class inheritance) happens in an atomic unit. This strategy means
that you have full control over the database connections that Hydrate
uses to access and update data and as such over the transactional
boundaries of any updates. Integration into management frameworks
such as J2EE and Spring can be expected in future versions.
Q. How
does Hydrate compare with O/R frameworks like JDO.
explicitly does not try to abstract you completely away from the
details of the database. Its philosophy is that relational databases
are a GOOD THING and were invented for a GOOD REASON. If your
primary aim in choosing a mapping framework is to completely avoid
writing SQL, you should look elsewhere. If on the other hand, you
value the flexibility of expression of the relational paradigm for
dicing and slicing data, as well as your access to the specific
features of your expensive database architecture, Hydrate should be a
Q. How
does Hydrate compare with XML mapping tools like JAXB, Castor and
Hydrate, the focus is the object model, and the XML is subservient to
this. In fact, several XML schemas can be devised that take
different routes through the object model and include different parts
of it. JAXB and Castor, in contrast, take a more XML-centric
approach where the object model is defined by the XML Schema.
schema written by Hydrate is designed to be very easy to read and
understand. The object model definition endows the code generator
with sufficient knowledge about the types and structure of that model
that it can write XML schemas that are logical, tightly typed and
verifiable through a schema definition that is also written by the
code generator. Contrast this with XMLEncoder that validates all
documents produced by it against the same schema definition.
Q. What is
Hydrate's performance like?
FAST. First and foremost, Hydrate uses code generation techniques which
eliminate the need for unnecessary 'holder' objects for native
types, as well as any on-the-fly introspection. For O/R mapping,
Hydrate's ability to map and link together any number of object
types from an arbitrary query frees the developer up to choose the
most efficient query or queries to grab whatever data is required. The
ability to easily use 'IN' clauses with object arrays, as
well as caching prepared queries, also benefits performance
significantly. Writing to the database also uses cached queries,
prepared statements, as well as batch-mode updates in drivers that
support it. For reading and writing XML, Hydrate uses SAX
exclusively making this process lightning fast and avoiding the
memory footprint of DOM implementations.
Q. Does
Hydrate support lazy loading?
loading is a technique in reading objects from a relational database
in which objects references are not fully instantiated into objects
until they are actually used by the application code. Lazy loading
has typically been implemented as a way of avoiding the performance
problems associated with reading one-to-many mappings from databases
in which a sub-query must be executed for each new object read from
the database. Hydrate does not suffer from this problem and lets you
choose on an attribute by attribute basis how much or how little of
each object you
load in a query. You can write a handler to respond to an attribute
that has not been loaded being accessed, if you like, but you are
almost always better off going back to the original query that
populated the object and filling the attribute in there.
Q. If
Hydrate is about laying an object model over an existing database,
why are there no tools to convert a relational schema into objects?
are many commercial and open source tools that enable you to generate
an object model from a relational schema. The problem with a schema
generated in this way is that it shows its heredity. The data in a
relational schema has generally been forced against its will into
what, let's face it, is a somewhat unnatural representation, in
order to reap the benefits from the relational engine. Also, a
typical relational schema that has been around for more than one system
enhancement will often be less than ideal in structure. The
about how much to normalize, what primary and foreign keys are used,
etc. is generally driven more by performance, resource needs and
history, that
by data modelling purity. Unless you are very lucky with your
relational database schema, an object model generated from will
always look like an object model generated from a relational schema.
In summary, tools that write your object model from a database
are impressive at first, because you make a lot of apparent progress
very quickly, but the models generated this way often end up costing
you more effort in the long run. Hydrate encourages you to think
about the object model you would like to work with and then to write it
down, even in the absence of you actual data model. You can then
take whatever obtuse data model you have been landed with an map it
into the object model you want to work with.
Q. Does
Hydrate support caching?
and no. One man's cache is another man's crock, so we have
to be careful to define what we mean here. Hydrate currently prefers
to promote a paradigm in which objects are read from the database
each time a request is made, thus in effect, handing the
responsibility for caching down to the database engine (many of which
do a pretty good job). Hydrate works with the database drivers to
permit them to cache queries and result sets. Once the objects
have been read into memory, you are also free to decide which of them
you keep in memory between requests, and which you discard
from memory.
Q. Does
Hydrate have a GUI?
Hydrate has a simple, but effective GUI that is used for visualizing
an object graph once written, as well as writing and mapping queries
from your data sources. Full editing features for the GUI are under
Q. Does
Hydrate support polymorphism?
Hydrate has tremendous flexibility in how to decide which concrete
class of a class hierarchy to create when loading data. The simplest
approach uses a discriminator column, but you can always kick down to
discriminator code to decide which object will be built. Finally
real-time specialization is in development where objects can be
loaded as a (possibly abstract) base class and specialized into their
'true' concrete classes when more information is available.
default generated database, Hydrate uses table-per-class
polymorphism, though you can tweak this if required by customizing
the schema and queries.
Q. Does
Hydrate cache queries and use prepared statements
Hydrate has a query cache that reuses the default read/write queries.
Also, the SQL produced by Hydrate dynamic queries uses prepared
statements that are stored for reuse. Performing a query that does
10000 individual inserts into a database will generate the insert
statement once as a prepared statement and then reuse this statement
for the other 9999 inserts. By setting batch mode, you could batch
up these inserts (say into groups of 100) and this can have
significant effects on performance for JDBC drivers that support it.
Q. Does
Hydrate permit composite keys to be used on objects?
Hydrate supports surrogate keys, single valued keys and multiple
valued (composite) keys. It also supports keys one or all of whose
members is a reference to another object (which itself can contain
key members that are references, and so on ad infinitum). Finally
Hydrate supports
alternate keys for all objects, a feature that is indispensable in
merging data from different data stores.
Q. Does
Hydrate support (insert required mapping cardinality and navigability
supports one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many mappings, navigable
in either or both directions.
Q. Can I
map data from legacy data sources?
is your aim then you have come to the right place. Hydrate was
designed as a way to efficiently map legacy data sources into your
own domain model. You can merge information from multiple sources on
different physical machines and using different underlying database
Q. How
does Hydrate handle batch data?
has a number of features that make it ideally suited to the handling
of batch data. It is very fast and efficient, allows you to
simultaneously build out your entire object graph from a single
denormalized stream of data, and lets you perform operations on the
objects as soon as they have been instantiated, rather than waiting
for an entire feed file, batch of data or other large unit of data to
be loaded.
Q. Does Hydrate support a persistence standard?
The current release of Hydrate does not support any persistence standard, though its use of Javabean style
interfaces makes it compatible with other O/R solutions. In the next release we are working toward supporting
the EJB 3.0 persistence specification (a pre-alpha preview is available in the current release)